

msg systems ag

msg systems ag

Everything new. From Corporate Design over Print till Webdesign for a leading IT firm.


msg systems ag is a German IT service provider and software consulting firm based close to Munich. With more than 10.000 employees, msg systems ag is the parent company of more than 20 other IT companies.


IT Consulting


Defining a multy-brand strategy and developing Corporate Design Guidelines which then can be applied group-wide to all subsidiaries to ensure brand recognition across all sub-brands and companies. Longterm objective is to merge all brands in one and the unification of all sub-brands and companies is part of a step-by-step incorporation. Simplification and standardization of the web maintenance is one of the major goals.


  • Tackling organizational challenges like many different stakeholders, varying levels of knowledge (in terms content management and web design), reducing general maintenance effort.

  • Approaching technical challenges such as poor page load speed, various amount of content management systems, different range of functionalities across the subsidiaries, lack of performance in general.

  • Managing user expectations like providing content with certain news value and overall usability

  • Meeting Business-related expectations such as increasing leads and visits while reducing maintenance costs at the same time. Creating a "one-fits-all" solution. Increasing visibility through search engines.


A modular built brand strategy guarantees maximum flexbility in terms of Corporate Design adjustments for sub-brands, yet simplifies the implementation, further development and maintenance of all brands.


  • Migration of all web instances to one content management system

  • Integration of different plugins to improve page load

  • Content optimization such as reducing file sizes of images, videos, icons, etc. and optimizing texts

  • Applying SEO basics like implementing alt-tags and a clear headline structure as well as keyword optimization

  • Introduction of dedicated landing pages for lead generation purposes

  • Reducing general website complexities for a better user experience

  • Re-design of UI elements for a better usability and experience


  • Page loading time: -40%

  • Visits: +50%

  • Conversion rate: +30%


Corporate Design, UI/UX Design, Brand Stratgey, Digital Marketing, Project Management

What the client is saying

"Besonders erwähnenswert sind seine sehr guten Kenntnisse im Bereich Grafik Design und CMS, die er im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeiten sehr erfolgreich eingesetzt hat. Herr Pötzl verfügt darüber hinaus über sehr gute Kenntnisse im digitalen Bereich, die er im Rahmen mehrerer Projekte für uns nutzbringend einsetzte."

Florence M.

Florence M.

Florence M.

"Herr Pötzl verfügt über ein erstklassiges Fachwissen sowie ausgezeichnete handwerkliche Fertigkeiten, welche er jederzeit absolut sicher und mit stets besten Resultaten einsetzte. Aufgrund seiner schnellen Auffassungsgabe fand er stets praktikable Lösungen, die er konsequent und sehr erfolgreich in seinem Arbeitsbereich umsetzte."

Herbert W.

Herbert W.

Herbert W.

Er war immer ein belastbarer Mitarbeiter, dessen Arbeitsqualität auch bei wechselnden Anforderungen uns jederzeit überzeugte. Herr Pötzl zeichnete sich stets durch eine überdurchschnittliche Arbeitsqualität aus.

Ivana V.

Ivana V.

Ivana V.

Toni Poetzl

Designing products to elevate your everyday experience.

Copyright © 2024 | Designed with 🤍 by Toni Poetzl

Toni Poetzl

Designing products to elevate your everyday experience.

Copyright © 2024 | Designed with 🤍 by Toni Poetzl

Toni Poetzl

Designing products to elevate your everyday experience.

Copyright © 2024 | Designed with 🤍 by Toni Poetzl